
The new  musical drama Rise is a welcome breath of fresh air in today’s overpopulated television viewing. The greatest strength of TV shows is that they have a lot more time for character and plot development than movies, yet somehow, most shows these days seem to fall short in one or both of these categories. […]

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Ready Player One

Classic Spielberg magic with a perfect blend of his 80s & 90s flavour in a futuristic setting, in the same vein as the Back to the Future films. The CGI, of which there is a lot, is executed brilliantly and mixed seamlessly with its live footage creating a deeply immersive experience teamed with an amazing […]

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Pacific Rim: Uprising

A disappointing far cry from the unexpected gem that was the first. Visually strong but falls apart horrifically with its lack-lustre script. Its characters are unremarkable and shallow with most of the dialogue coming across as simply dumb and out of place, while the plot is a messy miss match of poor story writing and […]

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